Observation through many trial and error’s is how I crafted my art, I also was self taught with learning digital art. Many of my digital pieces I have turned into 3D works of art, these are fun to look at and also fun to make, to watch an image go from the computer to become a large physical art piece is amazing. Am I perfect, nope, I don’t aim to be, that’s an unobtainable target, no one is perfect. I believe everything is art, even if it’s stick figures, none of us should judge anything, as an artist I respect all art, even if it’s not the style that I like, it’s still art. My site here is not for everyone but for some, it’s exactly what they are looking for.

Embracing the Unconventional

Delve into uncharted territories of creativity. Many of my pieces are signed with my alter ego name ‘Gorgore’ a name that was mistakenly given to me years ago by a friend who wanted to start his own graphic printing business, he made some sample business cards one of which he used my name, but instead of spelling it George, he misspelled it ‘GORGORE’ and even though I laughed behind that, quietly I loved it. I thought it would be great for my more fantasy, sci-fi, or horror works, kind of appropriate for those. Here you can delve into the realm of innovative artistry where boundaries blur and colors speak louder than words. Let your imagination run wild, for in the world of my art, uniqueness reigns supreme.

A little history of who I am, born in Toronto, Ontario Canada (that’s right, a canuck, lol) born in 1962, my parents moved us to America in the early 70’s, I’ve been drawing and doodling since the age of 2. Classic t.v. shows such as The Twilight Zone, Lost in Space, The Outer Limits, and movies such as 2001 a Space Odyssey, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Them, and all Ray Harryhausen stop motion movies took my imagination hostage, lol. This was the beginning, Star Wars and Alien of which the xenomorph monster creation was a H.R. Giger classic design. Both of these legendary franchises cemented my love of those genre’s, everything I sketched, painted and created was inspired by those. My education in art was all self taught, only had 1 art class in gradeshool, never in junior or high school.